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 PPS Early Career Award Minimize

The Polymer Processing Society invites nominations for the PPS Early Career Award to honor an outstanding young researcher in the field of polymer processing who received a Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) within 8 years at the time of nomination.  This award aims to recognize and stimulate originality and potential for continuing creativity in the science and technology of all polymer processing related areas. Candidates may include tenured/tenure-track faculty members, post-doctoral researchers, and researchers working in industry or national laboratories. They need not be PPS members. The award consists of a plaque and a $2000 check.

Nominations are invited from members of the PPS and the polymer processing community at large. The nomination form (click here to download) should be completed in English. The application package must also include: a two page summary of the candidate's key contributions, a curriculum vitae, copies of the most significant publications, patents and reports (up to 3) and a supporting letter from the nominator. The letter should emphasize the candidate achievements and potential for future development as well as service to the Polymer Processing Society or the profession at large. The deadline for submission of complete nomination packages is January 15tht midnight GMT of  the year of the award.

Nominations will be judged by the PPS Early Career Award Committee and the winner will be endorsed by the PPS Executive Committee.  The winner will be announced by March 31st of the following year and will be honored at the Award Ceremony during the upcoming PPS International Conference.  The winner will also present a Keynote Lecture at the same PPS International Conference.

Complete nomination packages should be sent electronically by the nominator to: 

Prof. Uttandaraman (U.T.). Sundararaj
University of Calgary
Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
2500 University DR NW
Calgary, AB T3A 0A2
Ph: 14032106549