Sinha Ray is Chief Researcher and Director of the DST/
CSIR National Centre for Nanostructured Materials
(NCNSM), Pretoria, South Africa. He received his PhD
degree in Physical Chemistry at the University of Calcutta,
India in 2001 and was a recipient of the ‘‘Prestigious Sir P. C
Ray Research Award’’ for the best PhD work. After three
years of postdoctoral research at the Toyota Technological
Institute in Japan, he spent two and half years as
postdoctoral scientist at the Chemical Engineering
Department, Laval University, Canada. Towards the end of
2006, he joined the CSIR Materials Science and
Manufacturing group as Nanoscience Group Leader, in South
Africa. In November 2007, he was promoted to Chief
Researcher and founder Director of the DST/CSIR NCNSM,
CSIR, South Africa. Recently, he has been appointed as
Distinguish Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arab; Extraordinary
Professor, University of Pretoria, South Africa;
Visiting Professor, University of
Johannesburg, South Africa.
Sinha Ray’s current research projects are aiming to overcome the boundary between
fundamental research and industrial applications and to get direct benefit by strengthening
both worlds. His team research focuses on several types of multi-phase and multi-
component polymeric systems such as polymer alloys, blends, composites, and
nanocomposites, biomaterials, conducting polymers, engineering plastics, etc. However, the
main objective of his research is to establish structure-processing-property relationship of
nanoclay filled polymeric systems.
He is one of the highly cited authors in the field of polymer nanocomposite materials and
his work has been featured on various international journal cover pages on 13 different
occasions. Recently, he has been rated as a Top 50 high impact chemist in the world in the
last decade (Feb. 2011, Thomson Reuter). Over the last few years, he has given more than
20 plenary/keynote/invited presentations in various international conferences and organized/
co-organized a number of international conferences. Sinha Ray is the co-author of 3 edited
books, 10 book chapters on various aspects of polymer-based nanostructured materials
& their applications, and author and co-author of 140 articles in high-impact international
journals, 14 articles in peer-review international conference proceedings; 30 articles
national and international conference proceedings, as well as holder of patents. Currently,
he is serving as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,
Advanced Science Letters, International Journal of Plastic Films and Sheeting, Applied
Nanoscience, and Journal of Nanomaterials.