Dr. Bryan Vogt grew up near Madison, Wisconsin, USA, and was inspired at a young age to explore the wonders of chemistry by Once Upon a Christmas Cheery, In the Lab of Shakhashiri (presented by Prof. Bassam Shakhashiri, Dept. of Chemistry @ UW-Madison). He received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Michigan Technological University in 1998.
During his undergraduate studies, he was fortunate to have the opportunity to help Prof. Julia A. King set up her laboratory for examination of carbon-filled composites. This early exposure to polymer compounding and testing laid the foundations for his independent work in polymer processing.
As an NSF graduate research fellow, he then worked with Prof. Jim Watkins at UMass-Amherst for his PhD studies in examination of the phase behavior of polymers swollen by supercritical fluids. He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering for UMass in 2003 after receiving a National
Research Council Postdoctoral Assistantship to work with Dr. Wen-li Wu in the Polymers Division at NIST in Gaithersburg, MD.
At NIST, he worked with a variety of companies to address measurement needs associated with thin films and interfaces, most notably understanding the fundamental limits of chemically amplified photoresists for the microelectronics industry.
In 2006, he joined the faculty of chemical engineering at Arizona State University as an Assistant Professor and received the NSF CAREER award during his tenure at ASU.
In 2011, he moved to the Department of Polymer Engineering at the University of Akron. His research interests focus on self-assembly and interfacial phenomena with a focus on how these structures can be used for fundamental understanding of critical phenomena in emergent technologies. Specific applications of interest are biobutanol recovery, ice prevention, next generation battery technologies, robust adhesives, and preventing traumatic brain injuries with mechanically responsive soft materials. He has over 120 peer reviewed publications with an h- index of 29.